At six weeks pregnant I miscarried.  I was devastated! During my medical exam and much to my amazement, I was still pregnant!  I later gave birth to my baby girl… Sarah

a Sarah nicu with mommy

Holding my princess

c Sarah n Jaden nicu 1997

With big brother Jaden

Sarah was born 10 weeks premature. She weighed only 2 lbs. She remained in the hospital NICU (neonatal intensive care unit) for 75 days.  It felt like an eternity!   She received round the clock medical care within a warm incubator. She received all of her nutrition through an NG tube (a tube that enters the nose to the throat) until she was able to use a bottle which was unsuccessful. Eventually she required a G-tube placement (a small tube that enters the stomach externally).   She suffered a brain hemorrhage in utero causing a condition called hydrocephalus (fluid on the brain).   In order to drain the fluid, an external shunt (a tube inserted) was placed through her head.   When her weight reached 5 lbs., she underwent surgery to have an internal shunt placement that would drain the fluid into the body.

Sarah in NICU MMC

Her diagnosis is spastic quadriplegia cerebral palsy.  Her mobility is severely limited.  She requires the use of a wheelchair.  She is completely dependent for all of her daily needs.  She receives all of her liquid nutrition through a G-tube. She’s undergone various surgeries.  She requires medications for her issues that include seizures. She has visual impairment mainly in her right eye due to the nerve damage.  She has developed scoliosis (curvature of the spine). Her hips are  dislocated. She has developed hearing loss in one ear. She relies on the use of adaptive equipment including a hospital style bed.

mm Sarah preschool

At preschool

Although it’s been a long journey of ups and downs, Sarah is now a happy and beautiful 19–year-old young lady with a wonderful sense of humor. She enjoys story books, using a switch activated device, nature walks, animals, shopping and having fun! She has a pleasant disposition and brings joy to my life everyday.

Willow Point Trail Sept 2014

Enjoying nature